About Us

Nels Mug ShotGarage Grocer was started through our family’s quest to eat local for one year. We searched for local foods in our hometown (Longmont), trying to connect ourselves to the foods we eat.

That was a great year – more than the great foods we found, the people we’ve met on the journey opened our eyes to what makes a healthy community. Don’t get me wrong! The food is great – but it is the connections, the new friends, and the commitment we see from local producers that keeps us going.

Sharing the foods and the connections with our neighbors was a natural fit. So we welcome any neighbors – no matter how close – to stop by and shop in our garage. We hope it will be a great experience!

Eat well,



One thought on “About Us

  1. Hello, I got your info from Aaron at Jodar Farms in Ft. Collins. I really want to do a chicken CSA with his farm this year, but my household is too small to support $60 per month worth of chicken. He suggested you might consider sharing a share with me. Ideally, I’d like to buy 2 chickens per month = $28, perhaps one dozen eggs (only because I am buying a chicken coop today and hope to produce my own eggs!), perhaps a bag of parts depending on what you’d buy. I live W of Lyons, but go through Longmont regularly. Please let me know if this would work for you! Thanks, Erin

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